KINETIC FLOSSING®  je inovativna terapeutska tehnika koja koristi kompresivne bandaže izrađene od elastične gumene trake, koje se aplikuju na delove tela radi tretmana mišićnih i neuromišićnih patologija.

Flossing tehnika se primenjuje od strane fizioterapeuta, kiropraktičara,osteopata, kondicionih trenera, fizijatara i sportskih i kliničkih terapeuta.

Kinetic Flossing je nov terapeutski pristup koji je razvijen poslednjih godina na polju treninga i rehabilitacije. Terapeuti aplikuju jako kompresivno omotavanje oko dela tela koji se tretira, jednog ili više anatomskih struktura ili zgloba, dovodeći do značajne hemodinamske, biomehaničke i neurofiziološke adaptacije koja dovodi do brže-efektivnije rehabilitacije neuro-mišićnih poremećaja i sportskih povreda u akutnim i hroničnim fazama. 

Velika funkcionalna prednost je ta da se aplikacija Kinetic Flossinga koristi uglavnom u kombinaciji sa specifičnim terapeutskim tehnikama , kao što su pasivni i aktivni pokreti, mobilizacione tehnike i vežbe malog intenziteta.

Kinetic Flossing se razlikuje od drugih sličnih tehnika jer koristi inovativnu terapeutsku tehniku Kinetic Tool Flossingc, gde se flossing kombinuje sa aplikacijom specijalnog alata od medicinskog čelika na specifičnim tačkama adhezija-restrikcija , sa kompresijom flosstrake preko njih. Terapeutski efekat je u tome da lokalna kompresija sa alatom kombinovana sa pokretom (pasivnim ili aktivnim, u otvorenom ili zatvorenom kinetičkom lancu) na tretiranom tkivu kreira idealne uslove za lokalnu mobilizaciju i tretman adhezija i restrikcija mekog tkiva.


The KINETIC FLOSSING®  se konstantno razvija na bazi modernih istraživanja . trenutno imamo 2 naučna istraživanja , masters projekta koja su sprovedena na Tehnološkom istraživačkom Institutu Zapadne Grčke iz Atine  (Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece).  Te studije su dokazale efekte  KINETIC FLOSSING® na smanjenje miofascijanog bola , tretirajući većinu mišićnih oštećenja i ubrzavajući oporavak specijalizovanih sportskih povreda. 


1.The effects of kinetic flossing technique in the treatment of lateral elbow tendinopathy: A case study Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation 


2.Effects of kinetic flossing technique on shoulder flexibility and functional performance  Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation 


Datum: 6.03.2020. 

Mesto: Beograd, OSTEAS AKADEMIJA, Ljube Didića 21

Instruktor: Pavlos Angelopoulos, inovator, Atina, Grčka i Jovan Rogić,

Organizator: OSTEAS Akademija, Jovan Rogić, zastupnik Kinetic Flossinga u Srbiji i BiH,

Cena: 160 eura ( Rana prijava - cena sa popustom 150 e: dodatni popust za članove udruženja OSTEAS, studente, grupe , saveze, klubove)


KINETIC FLOSSING® is an innovative therapeutic technique that involves compression bandages made of elastic rubber bands, which are applied to the human body to treat musculoskeletal and neuro-musculoskeletal pathologies.

( Our educational company, Kinetic Flossing conducts seminars all over the world regarding Flossing Technique for physiotherapists,chiropractors, osteopaths, athletic trainers, physicians and clinical therapists.

Kinetic Flossing is a novel therapeutic approach which has been developed the last years in the areas of training and rehabilitation.The therapist applies a strong compression wrapping around the part of the human body which has been affected . This compression of one or more anatomic areas or joints, contributes to significant hemodynamic, biomechanical and neurophysiological adaptations which contribute in a faster and effective rehabilitation of neuro-musculoskeletal disorders and sports injuries of acute and chronic phase.

Kinetic Flossing involves the use of specially engineered flossbands with specific tensional strength and surface grip requirements necessary for the desired flossing to be achieved. It includes specific wrapping applications which could be applied to every anatomical structure. Its great functional advantage is that the particular application of Kinetic Flossing is usually performed in conjunction with specific therapeutic techniques such as passive or active movements, mobilization techniques or low intensity exercise.

Moreover, the Kinetic Flossing presents an innovative therapeutic technique, Kinetic Tool Flossing, which combines the application of specialized stainless steel tools to specific points of adhesions-restrictions with the compression of the flossband above them. Its therapeutic effect lies in the fact that the high local compression of the Kinetic Tool Flossing combined with movement (passively or actively in open or closed kinetic exercises patterns) of the affected area will create ideal conditions for local mobilization and treatment of the soft tissue adhesions and restrictions.


KINETIC FLOSSING® offers a comprehensive educational system for Health and Sports Scientists taught by the best instructors, all of whom have an MSc title.  It is a treatment method which included in the curriculum of Universities and Technological Educational Institutes ( the European University of Cyprus, TEI of Western Greece). 


The KINETIC FLOSSING® Technique has been evaluated and is based on several recent research studies. These studies have demonstrated the effect of KINETIC FLOSSING® on reducing the myofascial pain, treating major musculoskeletal diseases and accelerating the recovery of specialized sports injuries.

1.Pavlos Angelopoulos, Konstantinos Mylonas and Konstantinos Fousekis(2018)
The effects of kinetic flossing technique in the treatment of lateral elbow tendinopathy: A case
study,Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation 2018, Volume 3
2.Pavlos Angelopoulos, et al.(2018)
Effects of kinetic flossing technique on shoulder flexibility and functional
performance,Physiotherapy and PhysicalRehabilitation 2018, Volume 3

The KINETIC FLOSSING® is constantly evolving on the basis
of modern scientific findings as it is currently the subject of
fic research on 2 masters research projects (Technological
Educational Institute of Western Greece)

See video