BEAUTY ® STiM Tehnika

BEAUTY STIM je novi terapeutski pristup koji kombinuje statičke i dinamičke manipulacije mekog tkiva tela sa specijalnom kliničkom opremom za estetske svrhe. OBUKA za FT, kozmetičare, masere, kao i svi koji se bave negom lica i tela.
Tehnika je stvorena primenjenim istraživanjima u Laboratoriji za procenu i rehabilitaciju Fizioterapije Tehnološkog obrazovnog instituta zapadne Grčke.
To je inovativni razvoj BEAUTY STIM TEHNIKA i zasniva se na teoriji miofascial meridijana, kao što je prvi opisao Thomas Majers.

Tehnika mekog tkiva Beautistim se primenjuje na specifičnim tačkama ograničenja tkiva i fascialnih adhezija duž fascialnih meridijana; kada se oslobode, somatski izgled i funkcionalnost se poboljšavaju u nekoliko tretmana.
Tehnologija Beautistim se oslanja na jedinstvenu kliničku opremu koja se zove Beautistim Tools. Beautistim Alati primenjeni sa specijalnim Beautistim Tools-om mogu:
-ubrzaju limfnu drenažu,
-povrate elastičnost kože i smanjuju ožiljna tkiva, adhezije i fascialnu krutost, povećavaju proizvodnju kolagena,
-izazivaju remodeliranje lica (liftova) i kože da postane čvršća
-smanjuju celulit različitih somatskih područja i podvaljka 
-zatežu kožu grudi,i stomaka i zadnjice
-poboljšavaju posturu i somatski izgled.
-obezbeđuje anti-aging opcije (lečenje oksidativnog stresa)

Ova posebna tehnika dozvoljava kozmetičarima i estetičarima
a) preciznu procenu miofascialnih područja visoke osetljivosti,
i b) da povrate biomehaničku funkciju zglobova rastvaranjem adhezija, regeneracijom normalnog miofasijskog valjanja i smanjivanjem mišićnog spazma i bola.

Idealan je za lečenje celulita, izbacivanje zadržane tečnosti, edema lica, otečenih nogu, varikoznih vena, edema, za postplastičnu hirurgiju (abdominoplastiku, liposukciju), limfedeme, i druge estetske probleme.

Više informacija i prijave na :

Predstavnik BEAUTY Stim za Srbiju : Jovan Rogić , +381642862000 ,



 Vreme održavanja: 12.-13.FEBRUAR 2022.


OSTEAS Akademija,  Beograd

prijava do 15.01.2022. odnosno do popunjavanja grupe

Ograničen broj polaznika. Obezbeđen sav alat za rad.

Svaki polaznik dobija internacionalni sertifikat i priručnik.




9:00- 10:00 

(1 hour)

Uvod u  Beautystim Tehniku
osnovni teoretski principi, indikacije i kontraindikacije, očekivani rezultati


(1 hour)

7th Lab. Gluteals shaping

Oblikovanje zadnjice

(Superficial back line-Functio

nal line)


(1 hour)

1st Lab. Beautystim Strokes:
Demonstracija beautystim zahvata–aplikovanje hvatova


(1 hour)

8th Lab. Cellulite –Lymphatic drainage

Celulit – limfna drenaža

(lateral line)

11:00- 11:15

1st Break



11.15-11:30 (15 min)

Lice-vrat:  Fascial System: Anatomija facijalnih meridiama, funkcija, interakcija sa drugim mekim tkivima

10:30- 12.00

 (1 hour)

9th Lab. Cellulite –Lifting/Tightening

Celulit – toniziranje-podizanje -zatezanje- oblikovanje


(1 hour)

2nd Lab. Face –Lympatic Drainage


(1 hour)

10th Lab. Lower back/lower extremities

–Lymphatic Drainage/pathologies


 (1 hour)

3rd Lab. Face – Skin Tightening-Lifting



(1 hour)

11th Hip Adductors lymphatic -oblikovanje


Pauza za ručak


Discussion – Evaluacija

Dodela sertifikata

14:30- 15:30 

(1 hour)

4th Lab. Breast re-shaping

Dekolte oblikovanje

(Front-spiral line)



5th Lab. Upper arms-lymphatic drainage/shaping


6th Lab: Abdominals- oblikovanje

(Front, spiral and Deep front lines)


Više informacija i prijave na :

Predstavnik BEAUTY STIM za Srbiju :

OSTEAS - Jovan Rogić , +381642862000       



Beautystim® Tools.

Beautystim ® Technique includes specific therapeutic strokes for the diagnosis and aesthetic treatment

which the health scientist/aesthetician performs using specially designed stainless steel tools – the Beautystim ®Tools.

There are three Beautystim ® Tools (Cellulizer, I,II andΙΙΙ) designed and manufactured in an innovative way

to facilitate the application of Beautystim® Technique.

The design innovations of Beautystim® Tools include fully ergonomic design, multi-functionality and

facilitation of innovative grips and therapeutic applications

Ergonomic design.

Have been designed for fully ergonomic use by the Certified Aestheticians.

The tool handles offer perfect grip allowing the therapist to apply the Beautistim®Techniquestrokes

with minimal effort and minimal exertion of the musculoskeletal structures of his upper extremities.

In this way, the therapist expends significantly less effort, which means minimal disruption during the treatment session. 



Cellulizer is a double-bevelled clinical tool used for aesthetic assessment and treatment.

It comprises:

Two (2) convex edges for assessment and treatment

One (2) concave edge

Two (2) serrated sides (medium/high).

Thanks to its pioneering design, the Cellulizer:

  • can be easily handled by the therapist
  • is ideal for cellulite and lymphatic drainage treatment
  • is ideal for the in-depth assessment of myofascial restrictions and pathologies
  • has two (2) serrated sides designed to support gradual increase of pressure on tissues during treatment
  • is a multi-tool as the therapist can handle it in many ways and with many grips and apply all the Beautystim ® Τechnique strokes on large or small anatomic areas


Facelifter® is a double-bevelled clinical tool used for the assessment and treatment of the face-neck

aesthetical alterations.

It comprises:

One (1) medium convex edge for localized assessment and treatment

One (1) Medium concave edge

One (1) small concave for localized tissue treatment

Two (2) spots for localized treatment

One (1) innovative linear edge for targeted facial approaches.

Thanks to its pioneering design, the Facelifter:


• can be easily handled by the therapist (it allows a combination of single and

double grip applications)

• is ideal for body-shaping therapeutic approaches

• can be used for eyelid shaping

• has special spots for localized treatment.




F-pen® is a double-bevelled clinical tool used for local aesthetic applications.

It comprises:

One (1) serrated side for assessment and treatment

One (1) small concave for localized tissue traction and treatment

One (1) pen-style concave edge for assessment and treatment

Thanks to its pioneering design, the F-Pen:

• enables the localized aesthetical treatment application with minimal effort by the therapist

• can be used for eyelid shaping

• has special spots for localized treatment.